Långviksträsk & Björnö Nature Reserve

At Ingarö east of Stockholm you find two very different nature reserves only a few minutes apart from each other.

Långviksträsk is quite anonymus which quickly get reflected on the parking entrence to the nature reserve. Few spaces and no other cars. Usually a good sign. The trail start through the forrest but after about 1 km you start to get some hints what Långviksträsk is all about. Here you find one of Stockholms largest marshland which gives you a sense of wilderness. Here you can feel the silence and watch the osprey pray for fish in the lake. In the late summer one can pick ripe cloudberries.

If Långviksträsk isn’t enough for you there is only a short ride to another nature reserve, Björnö.

Björnö is in many way opposite of Långviksträsk. The parking lot is huge and often packed with cars. In summer Björnö is popular for swimming in the ocean but it is well visited all year around. Björnö is popular since you get out to the archipelago without have to take the boat.